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Top Tips in Buying Home Land in NW San Antonio

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 11/20/14

Top Tips in Buying Home Land in NW San Antonio

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #Stage, #staging, #Refinance, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner 

If you are looking into quality life and a low cost of living then buying a home land in NW San Antonio is the thing for you.

Buying home land in NW San Antonio can seem intimidating, but it really isn't difficult at all when you analyze your needs and determine which types of land are most suitable for the home you plan to build.

Talk with a mortgage broker or bank loan officer to find out how much you can afford. If you plan to build you own home right away, the loan officer should explain construction loans, including the closing procedures you'll encounter while the house is being built.

When buying Home land in NW San Antonio get estimate and talk with your contractors to determine the average price you can expect for your property purchase. To find the maximum amount you can spend for land, deduct the estimated building costs from your total budget--then deduct a bit more for unexpected expenses.

Look for ëFor Sale signs on your drive to favorite areas. You can also look for local listings on the internet. Note the exact location of interesting tracts, and then visit your county tax office to find the owner's name. Contact the owner to ask if the land is for sale.

Talk with an agent about your wants and needs so that she can help you locate the perfect home and land in NW San Antonio.

When buying homes always check the necessities in their like the electrical switches, light bulbs the water flow and the gas connections.

Always check for an easement. An easement is the right to use another person's land for a stated purpose. Does someone else have the right to use the property you want to buy? Find out before you make an offer, or add a contingency to the offer that you must approve existing easements before finalizing the sale.

When buying home land in NW San Antonio locate property boundaries and Look for iron pins at the corners of property, or at any point where the property line makes a turn. You might find iron pins flush with the center of the road, too.

In wooded areas, watch for pathways cut by surveyors when they marked a property line. They are often visible for many years.

Trees or bushes along property lines that are marked with brightly colored paint or plastic are also a good sign of property lines.

Surveys are always an excellent idea and some banks necessitate them. Updates to obtainable surveys are often acceptable and are less expensive than ordering a new survey.

If there's a query about the quantity of acres in the area, your offer can be stated as "X dollars per acre as determined by the latest survey." Now, you'll need to word it a bit healthier, and state who will pay for the survey. The method can work to either the buyer or seller's advantage, depending on how many acres are found.

If the assets are accessed from a personal road your bank might call for a recorded contract that shows all owners have agreed to help with road upkeep.

Ask for a signed statement that discloses facts about buried items, such as oil or gas storage tanks. Their removal and cleanup can be expensive.

Before you make an offer, think about the ‘what ifs’—things that would make the property unusable for your purposes. Add these to the offer as contingencies, things that must or must not happen before you buy. For example:

Offers for land lacking sewer hookups should be subject on your ability to obtain permits for a septic system. If an architectural evaluation board must approve your home plans, the offer should be contingent on obtaining authorization.

The offer should be contingent on obtaining the type of financing you desire.

Some contingencies are included in standard contracts, but your agent, contractor, or real estate attorney can help you determine if other contingencies should be added.

Buying home land in NW San Antonio can be a fun adventure. If you look hard enough, you may find a perfect building site just waiting to be cleared from an overgrown jungle of brambles and weeds.

Lenders Show Support for Home Information Pack

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 11/20/14

Lenders Show Support for Home Information Pack

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Buying and selling a property does not always go according to plan. One in four transactions collapse before contracts are exchanged, wasting time and money.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #Stage, #staging, #Refinance, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner 

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Buying and selling a property does not always go according to plan. One in four transactions collapse before contracts are exchanged, wasting time and money.

The government is concerned that many house purchases fall through because of the time it takes to get to completion. Where there is a chain of buyers and sellers, just one person pulling out can ruin a whole series of purchases, costing all those involved money, time and patience. Government research suggests that £350 million is wasted by consumers every year as a result of aborted housing transactions. The government's solution to this problem is the introduction of Home Information Packs (HIPs).

From 1st Juke 2007 all home owners in England and Wales will need to arrange for a Home Information Pack to be prepared before putting their homes up for sale. The idea is that property sellers will produce a Home Information Pack (HIP) for potential buyers to see before they make an offer. 
HIP will not be required for: 

ï properties in Scotland and Northern Ireland 
ï private sales where the property is not offered on the open market 
ï non-residential property
ï homes held on a lease of less than 21 years 
ï portfolios of residential property, etc.

Home Information Packs will provide important information to prospective purchasers at the very start of their interest in a new home, giving increased transparency on key issues and meaning any offer to purchase is based on an informed decision. Currently, much of this essential information only comes to light when an offer has been made and accepted. In the meantime, buyers are negotiating in the dark and are often wasting money on legal fees, searches and surveys.

The pack includes:

ï evidence of title 
ï Replies to standard enquiries (whether you are aware of any problems with the property)
ï Copies of any planning, listed building and building regulations, consents and approvals
ï Copies of warranties and guarantees for new properties
ï Any guarantees for work that has been carried out on the property
ï A draft contract
ï A house condition report based on a professional structural survey of the property

Some estate agents are skeptical of the plans. President of the National Association of Estate Agents, Julie Westby says: ìIt imposes extra costs and red tape in an already complex market. It could have serious repercussions on housing transactions and consequently on house prices.î Also, introduction of the HIP could slow the housing market as each seller will have to find at least £600 to compile a pack. 

All lenders recognize the need to improve the conveyance process, and there is widespread support for the e-conveyance initiative by the Land Registry. However, lenders have had mixed views about HIPs since the proposals were first developed. Members are not persuaded at this stage that the perceived consumer benefits will be achieved.

The Council of Mortgage Lender’s head of policy Jackie Bennett said: ìLenders are generally not anti-Hip in principle. It is the practicalities, the government’s expectations, and the possible unintended consequences that cause them concern."
In a clear sign of the change in attitudes towards HIPs, the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) has published a new report showing that lenders are happy to support the use of Home Information Packs. According to a CML survey, two thirds of lenders intend to provide packs.

Calling a Lawyer Should Be a Private Home Sellers First Move

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 11/20/14

Calling a Lawyer Should Be a Private Home Sellers First Move

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When you sell your own home you need to be prepared. Make an appointment with your lawyer so they can prepare you for any legal pitfalls you may be facing at closing time. Sorting these issues out before you sell can ensure a smooth transaction at the most critical of times down the road.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #Stage, #staging, #Refinance, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner 

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You are selling your own home because you think you’re up to the task, that it can’t be that difficult? You’re right of course; however you want to make sure you abide by some basic common sense guidelines to help ensure your success. It is not all about putting a sign on the lawn and an advert in the paper.

Your first step should be calling a lawyer. If you don’t have one you will need to find one. A good bet is to get a referral from friends or family. A lawyer at this stage of your sale will give you all the legal information you need to enter into the sale with a confidence that would be lacking otherwise. Your lawyer can do a title search on your home to make sure it’s free of encumbrances that may only turn up on closing i.e. an encroachment. Do you have an up to date survey? These can be deal killers at the last minute you want to avoid. You woll need a search done anyway to close your sale.

Lawyers can also advise you on any new by-laws or regulations you should be aware of for your home and area. Every jurisdiction seems to have rules that need to be followed when preparing an offer to purchase form. A lawyer can make sure these special clauses are written into your offer to purchase form. Have your lawyer provide you with copies of the offer to purchase in hard copy format and also on disk so you can print them off your home PC when needed. Ask your lawyer how he would prefer to see your offer set up.

Ask your lawyer to give you any information you will need to make the closing of your sale timely and without any surprises. If there is anything that will hold up or quash your deal you want advance notice so you can take care of the problem now. Count on being charged for your lawyers’ services but it’s the old adage pay me now or pay me later. 

Ask your lawyer to give you some insight into your mortgage situation. He can give you details and options based on your current loan that perhaps will help your sale. At the very least the lawyer can give you questions to ask at your lending institution i.e. is your mortgage assumable? If the interest rate and terms are attractive the purchaser may want to assume your current mortgage. All good stuff to know in advance of your sale. Likewise your mortgage may need to be removed so the purchaser can arrange their own financing. What are the ramifications with this, will it be expensive to remove?

When you recruit a real estate agent to help you sell your home, the good ones know all this information in advance. Any information they don’t have that can create problems generally surfaces at closing thanks to the lawyers. Your agent acts in your best interests along with your lawyer to sort out these problems at closing and many issues are usually dealt with to either parties’ satisfaction one way or another. 

Not having an agent working for you means your chances of having a problem sometime during the process of trading your real estate is a real probability. The best way to mitigate your chances of potential headaches is to spend the money up front for a legal professional to sort through the land mines before you step on one and your deal disintegrates at the worst possible time. You will be investing a great deal of time selling your home. Make sure you are prepared. It is fairly simple to sell your own home. Closing that sale cleanly is another matter entirely.

You CAN Buy Your New Home Before You Sell Your Old One

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 11/17/14

You CAN Buy Your New Home Before You Sell Your Old One

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Buy Before You Sell. Too Risky Right? Wrong! 

Common Home Owner Myth: I can’t buy a ‘new’ house without first selling my ‘old’ one. 

That is the way it is supposed work right? You can’t have a new house without getting rid of the ‘old’ one. 

Not so.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #Stage, #staging, #Refinance, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner 

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Buy Before You Sell. Too Risky Right? Wrong! 

Common Home Owner Myth: I can’t buy a ‘new’ house without first selling my ‘old’ one. 

That is the way it is supposed work right? You can’t have a new house without getting rid of the ‘old’ one. 

Not so. 

Take for example, the story of one of our clients. They had a house (beautiful house, worth about $600,000) and had no intention of leaving. 

However, one day this house in their neighborhood went on the market. You know the house. It is the one where every time you go by, you wish it was yours. Unfortunately, this house would never be for sale. 

Out of the blue, the unbelievable happens: the house goes up for sale. 

Now most would call this a stroke of luck, then it would dawn on them... 

‘We can’t have that house. Obviously, something unforeseen as happened, and they will want a quick sale. Waiting for us to sell our house first, won’t be acceptable to them. I guess we are out of luck.’ 

Luckily, this client called us to structure a safe way for him to get his dream home today, buy some time to get his ‘old’ house sold, make both homes affordable during the marketing period, and leave him the exact same long term financing on the ‘new’ home he otherwise would have had. 

Now that’s a tall order! But we did it. And, so can you! 

Here are 2 ways to buy a new house without selling your ‘old’ one first. 

Pull the equity out of your existing house using a Home Equity Line of Credit or a 2nd mortgage. If you could snap your fingers and sell your home, this would be what you’d use to buy the ‘new’ home anyway. So just get it out now. Now, reserve enough of this money to make your ‘old’ house payment for 6-12 months. Your house will take this long to market and with the money set aside you won’t be tempted to take a low-ball offer. Use the remainder as down payment and get your new first mortgage to complete the purchase. When the ‘old’ house sells, both mortgages are liquidated and you are left with one house and one mortgage the exact same situation you’d have had if you sold your ‘old’ home before you bought the ‘new’ one. But you accomplished it without the wait and the missed opportunity! 

Another way to achieve the same result minus the ‘old’ house payment reserve is to use an 80% first mortgage and a 20% 2nd mortgage also called 100% financing, to buy the new house. You won’t have to put any money down and when your ‘old’ house sells, you use the proceeds to pay off the 2nd. The only difference is you don’t get any extra money to use to offset two house payments during the marketing period. Many of you, have existing lines of credit or other sources, so this may not be necessary. 

Both scenarios leave you with great permanent financing on the new house. 

The 80/20 or 100% financing scenario costs a little more in discount points than a traditional structure, but it’s only to the costs and not the rate. Refer to our website to learn more about 100% financing in our free report called, ìBuy With Zero Down!î. 

The biggest hurdles you will need to clear are 1) making two housing payments and 2) getting loan approval with two housing payments. 

Here is how you do both: 

When you pull the money from your existing house, reserve enough to cover up to 12 months mortgage payments for the old house while it is on the market. That way you don’t have to come out of pocket for the payment. Gee, that was easy! Hurdle 1 cleared! 

Since most loans are approved through a computer these days, you will need a mortgage broker who knows how to use the automated approval computer systems that FNMA and other agencies and lenders use. These approval systems are a Godsend when it comes to creative financing in today’s modern mortgage arena. It may seem strange to you, but to the computer, your financial picture and your need for financing, are simply numbers. It does not care that some of those numbers include 2 housing payments. The new systems are allowing many of our clients an approval with abnormally high debt ratios, sometimes as high as 60%! This is very prevalent, especially with clients who have strong credit and assets after closing like a 401K. This is your window for approval. Now, you know you will not be spending 60% of your income on debt, because you put the money aside in Step 1 to cover the old house payment, but the computer doesn’t know that or care. If done right, you’ll get the approval even with very high debt ratios. 

Note: Beware! Don’t let an unscrupulous mortgage broker get you to commit mortgage fraud just so you can buy before you sell. Stick with our plan. If you get approved fine. If you don’t, live with it. One way they’d break the rules to get you approved is to ‘doctor up’ a lease agreement on your ‘old’ home to offset the payment and show the computer a lower debt ratio. Don’t do it - it is a Federal crime! 

How do you start? 

1) Get approved through the computer system 
2) If you need to pull equity out of existing house; start it now 
3) Write offer on new house 
4) When offer is accepted, put existing house up for sale; not before 

At Integrity First Mortgage, we use these strategies to get our clients into houses every day. So don’t worry. It is ok to step out of the box sometimes and put away some of the outdated concepts about financing a house. 

Lastly, don’t forget you can net a lot more for your old home with our revolutionary way to sell your house without paying a real estate commission, (6% commission on a 600,000 house is $36,000!). Look below in my resource box for more information. 

Happy House Hunting!

Are You Ready For A Home?

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 11/17/14

Are You Ready For A Home?

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Have you spent years renting homes or apartments and have grown tired of paying all that rent money to someone else? If so, then it might be your time to consider purchasing a home, and keeping that cash for yourself. However, you do need to ensure that you are prepared on more than one level before jumping into the equity market. There are many financial considerations to make note of before you start looking for a home.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #Stage, #staging, #Refinance, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner 

Article Body:
Have you spent years renting homes or apartments and have grown tired of paying all that rent money to someone else? If so, then it might be your time to consider purchasing a home, and keeping that cash for yourself. However, you do need to ensure that you are prepared on more than one level before jumping into the equity market. There are many financial considerations to make note of before you start looking for a home. But, if you can arrange your finances into a sensible plan and secure a mortgage then this can ultimately be the most rewarding purchase you have ever made or will make. 

Finance plays a huge role in the decision to purchase your first home. This is to be expected as if you are purchasing your first home you will not likely have a few hundred thousand dollars sitting around and will have to find a mortgage of some sort. You should really make sure that you are prepared for the application for a mortgage as it will involve a thorough investigation of your past credit history. If there are any issues that you know of with your credit then you should take care of them before you apply for the mortgage. Sometimes this is a simple case of oversight, some things have been taken care of and not recorded as such, and sometimes there can be some debts that you will need to see to. Once these are taken care of, be sure to get a letter of release that you can show to the mortgage broker or company if necessary. If there are no issues with your credit then that will only make the process easier. 

There is no stronger tool in the home buying process than having all your financing in line before you start shopping. This is a great attraction for sellers as they want their homes to sell quickly and without incident or trouble in the money phase, a buyer with ready-to-go financing's offers will hold greater favor with almost any seller. If you are mindful of these things then when the time comes to make your offer, the whole affair will go much more smoothly and you will be able to dedicate your time to what is important. How to decorate your new home.

Home Foreclosures and Big Profits? Just Another Myth

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 11/17/14

Home Foreclosures and Big Profits?  Just Another Myth

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There are a number of people offering their "secrets" of how you can earn a fortune investing in foreclosed homes.  It's harder than you think.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #Stage, #staging, #Refinance, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner 

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Everyone would like to find a way to make a lot of money without doing a lot of work.  Getting rich quickly seems to be the American dream. And if you watch a lot of late night television, you might think that you have found the ticket to fast riches by investing in foreclosed homes.  There are advertisements that offer to tell you the "secrets" of buying distressed property with no money down and five figure profits in as little as 48 hours. Other advertisements state that foreclosed houses are available "in your area" at rock-bottom prices or that some troubled owners are "desperate to sell."  Can this be true?  Is there easy money to be made buying and selling foreclosed property?

Home foreclosure is the process by which a home is taken from a buyer by someone with a lien against the property.  Most of the time, the lender initiates this when the buyer has not made payments on the mortgage for an extended period.  Lenders are not really interested in taking back houses; they would much rather have cash.  As a result, foreclosed houses are usually sold at auction in so that the lender might recoup their investment.

Due to rising interest rates and rising house prices, many people have found themselves with mortgages that they cannot afford.  But are people really letting houses go at auction for pennies on the dollar?  Can you buy a foreclosed home today and sell it next week for a huge profit?

The truth is quite a bit less exciting then the advertising would suggest.  Here are some reasons why buying and selling foreclosed property isn't all it is made out to be:

There is tremendous competition at the auctions.  Believe it or not, you will not be alone if you appear at a real estate auction.  In fact, in these times of sky-high prices, bidders will be plentiful as everyone is trying to save a few dollars.  Most of the time, the hammer price on such auctions will be very close to, and sometimes higher than, average market prices.  The competition is fierce.

You must pay, in full, right away.  If you do purchase a home in a real estate auction, you will be expected to pay for it, in full, immediately.  If you don't have six figures in liquid cash sitting around, this might not be for you.

A lot of such property is damaged.  Property damage is common, and you may not be permitted to do a full inspection of the property or the damage ahead of time.  This is truly a case where "buyer beware" can apply.

There may be title issues.  It may or may not be possible to obtain a clear title on the property.  Most professionals who buy such property spend countless hours doing title research, thus putting a dent in the notion that you can make money this way on a part time basis.

What about the owner who is desperate to sell before the lender forecloses?  The current market is still pretty lively.  No one is going to sell you property at one third off when they can just put a "for sale" sign in the front yard.

The idea of making a fortune buying and selling foreclosed property is lucrative for those people who market books about the topic.  For everyone else, it's an expensive, risky, time consuming job.  If you are looking for a quick dollar, you won't find it in foreclosed property.

The 12 Most Common Mistakes New Entrepreneurs Make & how to avoid them

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 11/14/14

The 12 Most Common Mistakes New Entrepreneurs Make & how to avoid them

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A large number of people who start their own business do not realize how much work and time will be involved. They fail to carry out any primary research and as a result become quickly overwhelmed. 

Perhaps the first question to ask yourself then is whether you are in fact ready to start your own business. Do you have an entrepreneurial mindset?  Are you committed to spend all the time you need to succeed? And are you ready to take massive action?

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #Stage, #staging, #Refinance, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner 

Article Body:
A large number of people who start their own business do not realize how much work and time will be involved. They fail to carry out any primary research and as a result become quickly overwhelmed. 

Perhaps the first question to ask yourself then is whether you are in fact ready to start your own business. Do you have an entrepreneurial mindset?  Are you committed to spend all the time you need to succeed? And are you ready to take massive action?

At first, you will have to wear many different hats; you will be the CEO, the general manager, the accountant, the salesperson, the computer technician, the secretary, the receptionist. You must therefore prepare yourself because there will be days when you are disappointed, depressed, or frustrated. You have to realize that success will not happen overnight. And it may take a year or two before you achieve your expected results. 

To avoid these disappointments, here are The 12 Most Common Mistakes New Entrepreneurs Make & How to Avoid Them:

Mistake # 1 - Failure to spend enough time researching the business idea to see if it's viable 
Numbers of new entrepreneurs have often failed because they were not truly interested in the business; they were more interested in making money. It is important to start something that you really like, because you will be spending a lot of time on it. 
Your assignment - Spend all the time you need working on your business plan, which should include: your mission statement, your business strategy, research on your target market (demographics), industry analysis (size, economics, trends, success factors, challenges, etc.), your marketing plan, your financial projections and sales.

Mistake # 2 - Failure to determine whether the business actually adds value
The most sustainable businesses, those that withstand the test of time, provide value by performing a service that people need.
Your assignment ñ Make sure your products or services provide value and benefit to your clients. Be ready to solve any business problems that your clients may have.
Mistake # 3 - Failure to gain a complete and total understanding of the business
Every business has drivers; hot buttons and key levers. What drivers exist in your business?
Many business leaders, executives and management consultants would say that success largely depends on attention to detail.
Your assignment - Understand all the aspects of your business, and of particular importance, know how to present them in an easy and simple manner.

Mistake # 4 - Failure to describe the business in only one or two sentences
No doubt you have experienced the entrepreneur whose business is so technical or complex that he cannot explain the concept in plain English. Or, it takes 20 minutes to convey the purpose of the business. What value or benefits does your business offer?
Your assignment - Have an efficient 15 to 60 second elevator pitch that introduces you, your business’ mission, focuses on the benefits you provide and makes you and your business memorable. 
Mistake # 5 - Failure to conduct the primary research
There are many great ideas you can latch on to, but the key in business is to make sure the idea, central theme or mission of your business venture can attract customers and generate sales and profits.  A great idea in and of itself is not enough to start a business.
Your assignment - Take the time to gain experience, study the business, understand what makes the business work (how to serve the customers and generate profits) and what leads to losses. 

Mistake # 6 - Failure to contact professionals who can help you get started 
Numbers of new entrepreneurs ask their friends and family for advice when starting a new business. The problem is that they often ask people who have never started a business; so in reality, these people are not in a position to offer sound advice. 
Your assignment - Get a mentor or two. Surround yourself with experts who possess skills and expertise that you lack. Team up with professionals who can complement your strengths and cover for your weaknesses. 

Mistake # 7 Failure by underestimating financial requirements
Do you know how much capital you need to start your business? Do you know the market, did you calculate your cost, did you project your sales, do you know the number of clients you need? Do you know how long it will take before you get your first benefits or before you will run out of money? 
Your assignment - Invest the time to work on ALL aspects, especially the major ones, of your business before you start.

Mistake # 8 - Failure to make marketing a priority
Many new entrepreneurs start their business without determining their target, niche and demography first and as a result have failed to attract any clients. Marketing should be one of your top priorities. Devising a marketing plan will help you determine how to promote your products or services and create a system that will generate more clients for your business.
Your assignment - Dedicate a good portion of your time and energy to working on and implementing your marketing plan. Set up a meeting with yourself once a week to work on your marketing plan and whatever happens never cancel this meeting; it is essential for your business. 

Mistake # 9 Failure by under-budgeting the marketing costs
Today the world is overcrowded with businesses and probably a number of those in your market perform essentially the same functions as you do. This means that you have to differentiate yourself from them by making your business stand out. Publicity is essential to your livelihood; otherwise you will not attract any customers.
Your assignment - Make sure you have a strategy that puts the word out there. Provide adequate publicity, business cards and marketing materials that project a professional image. Do not try to save money on these; they are reflecting your business. A cheap business card or flyer will not make a professional impact.

Mistake # 10 - Failure to focus on the business
Many new entrepreneurs are energetic and enthusiastic people (which is essential to success), but they can also be overly optimistic and pursue too many targets and directions at once. This typically results in mediocre results. Define your business’ mission as succinctly and narrowly as possible. When you move in too many directions at once, especially in the early days of your business, you are likely to fail to execute anything correctly; so you end up working ‘on the business’ instead of ‘in the business.î In other words, you will spend all your time operating each task on your own. You won’t have the time to sit back, and decide on the best way to develop your own marketing plan, create new products, or improve your services. 
Your assignment - Know you goals. Put them in writing.  Make sure they are realistic, specific and measurable and that you set yourself a deadline to achieve them.

Mistake # 11 - Failure by over-marketing
Once you have developed your product or service and have perfected your offering, you may think that your offering is the best in your marketplace. But unfortunately, to be efficient you can’t sell to everyone. You need to select a specific target market and stick to it. By doing this you will have a more efficient message and will more likely achieve success much sooner.
Your assignment - Carefully determine your niche, your demography, your ideal clients, where they go, what they read, what their hobbies are, etc. Once you have a full understanding of your client’s profile you will then have a full understanding of how and where to find more of them.

Mistake # 12 - Failure to follow-up with clients
Many new entrepreneurs are often so desperate to constantly find new clients that they neglect the clients they already have and in fact end up losing business. Statistics show that it takes seven more interactions to secure a new client than to sell more to a repeated client. So develop and maintain a useful and organized follow-up system to offer new services to your clients and do not let them slip away.
Your assignment - Constantly and consistently communicate with your current clients. 
Start a newsletter, offer special sales, create new products to up-sell, join affiliate programs if you do not have your own products. People who have already bought from you will appreciate it when you recommend other products. Statistics show that up to one out of three clients will take advantage of this new offer. It is essential to build a very, very special relationship with your clients. They are your best audience. 

If you have a business idea, but are unsure how to get started, or already own a business, but have not yet achieved the results or success you were hoping for, check out my book: "Start Your Dream Business Today! The Proven 11 Steps to Start and Grow Your Own Business", a simple yet informative and easy to follow step-by-step guide to everything a new entrepreneur should know when starting a business. 
Get it today by going to www.StartYourDreamBusinessToday.com. You will also get lot of other ideas and resources to help YOU Start Your Dream Business  and I will save you time and lot of money, as I did for my clients.

© 2006 Biba F. PÈdron

The Mind of the Real Estate Investor

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 11/14/14

The Mind of the Real Estate Investor

Word Count:

Bruce crawls into the mind of real estate investors and mines six mental keys that successful real estate investors possess...and gift wraps powerful mental concepts for you.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #Stage, #staging, #Refinance, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner 

Article Body:
Myself and many others are living proof that by changing your mental and physical habits, you can build your wealth.  This mini-course focuses on changing or fine-tuning your mental habits and attitudes toward real estate investment so that you can profit at will.  It's about getting your mindset right.

By mindset, I mean your way of looking at, and approaching your real estate investment business.  This includes the way you perceive your business.  It also includes what you allow to impress and intimidate you, also what challenges and excites you.

Note:  This article is the introductory session in a soon to be released mini-course entitled ‘The Mind of the Real Estate Investor’ and the full course will soon be available to Rehab Real Estate Central (http://www.rehab-real-estate.com) newsletter subscribers.  This course will be a free service of Rehab Real Estate Central.

Why bother with ‘mindset?’

Simple.  Because the cost of NOT adjusting your mindset is outrageously expensive (in opportunity loss)!  If your mind isn't conditioned to think like a wealth-building investor, you are like a sailor paddling around in a boat with holes in it.  If you bail water quickly enough, you'll keep it afloat, but you will eventually tire and sink! 

ALL money-making endeavors begin with a thought.  They are all ideas born in the mind of an investor.  Some have more and better ideas than others.  Why is that?  Are some minds better conditioned than others?  I say "yes!"

In our society there is often resistance to conditioning one's mind, but nobody thinks a thing about going for a jog, or hitting the gym to condition their body.  Does that make sense?  If you walk the entrepreneurial path, mental conditioning is central to your business. 

The six concepts that I will unfold in this course are powerful weapons of the mind.  If you condition your mind to these concepts will make you a lot of money, and you will KEEP making a lot of money.  

Simply put, if you don't develop, and then fine tune your mindset you will either:

 - Never quite get around to investing in real estate (if you have not yet begun) and forfeit the wealth you want to attain for you and your family.

 - Never quite get where you want to go in your investing (if you are already investing), and forfeit the wealth you intended to attain for you and your family.

You see, a lot of people have enough knowledge to invest in real estate.  Far fewer DO it.  Why is that?  Because far fewer have bothered to develop the mindset that conquers fear and other hurdles to investing in real estate.  Frankly, it doesn't matter how much knowledge you possess about investing in real estate, you WON'T do it if you haven't conditioned yourself to think like and investor.  

Usually I write and teach practical matters of rehab real estate investing, but for this course, I'm breaking from that in favor of talking about what you can do to adjust your thinking change the way your mind works.  Since the investing won't be successful without a properly conditioned mind, it can be considered the most important aspect of learning to be a real estate investor! 

Mindset is the foundation of real estate investment.  In other words, if it's not solid, you cannot invest successfully.  I don't know how to put it any plainer.

I've known scores of folks who have WANTED to invest in real estate.  These are usually acquaintances who find out somehow that I invest in rehab real estate.  Invariable I here, ìI've thought about doing that.î  Sometimes I hear ìI looked into that.î  Sometimes they proceed to ask questions, but I find that most of the time the next word after the previous phrase is ‘but’ and then I hear an excuse.  

These excuses range from I couldn't find any property, to the numbers scared me, to I couldn't get a mortgage.

What I'm thinking to myself is ‘these excuses have solutions, but they don't yet have the mindset to overcome these relatively minor hurdles.’  In fact, unless someone ASKS me for specific advice on overcoming these hurdles, I don't offer advice.  That's not because I don't want them to succeed!  It's because their mindset is not yet right.  

Let me tell you where I'm coming from on this topic.  

My mindset was screwed up for 10 years!  I was a real estate guru junkie!  For a decades I consumed every book about real estate investing on the market, attended seminars, and bought courses.  I had ‘book knowledge’ running out of my ears with ZERO property.

Finally, one day I realized that I was about to ‘retired from the Navy, I REALLY didn't want to get a job, and my family still liked to eat!  I changed my mindset, and put thoughts into action.  The rest is history.  What changed?  Not my knowledge!  My way of thinking changed.

Facing the end of my Navy career was the catalyst that got me started. If you haven't started, there IS a catalyst in your life, you only need to find it and capitalize on it.  Are you satisfied in your job?  Want more time with family?  Want more disposable income?  Want to build your retirement savings?  This list could get long!

This course is aimed at helping you capitalize on your action catalyst by developing your real estate investor mindset. 

For those that are already investing, this course will serve to fine-tune your mindset to make you more profitable.  The VERY SAME mindset ideas that make people launch successful real estate investment careers are the ones that keep investors successful over their real estate investing careers, be it 2 years or 20.

Let's get started!

The Basics of Real Estate Investing

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 11/14/14

The Basics of Real Estate Investing

Word Count:

Real estate investing may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but some people who have already tried investing in real estate know that it can be highly profitable and lead to much better quality of life. There are several keys to making significant profits in real estate investing deals.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #Stage, #staging, #Refinance, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner 

Article Body:
Real estate investing may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but some people who have already tried investing in real estate know that it can be highly profitable and lead to much better quality of life. There are several keys to making significant profits in real estate investing deals. And when the deals are profitable, you will certainly be well on your way to success.

For real estate investing newbies, don’t be afraid of the challenges and pitfalls you may encounter along the way. There is definitely a lot to learn, but in the long run after you have gained some experience, you will hopefully become a master at closing profitable real estate deals.

There are 5 core skills that are necessary for building a real estate investing business. These will be the key factors in creating a profitable real estate investment portfolio.

These are the 5 core skills of real estate investing:

1) You must learn when and where to find the right kind of sellers.

2) You must learn the art of being a master negotiator when it comes to closing your real estate investment deals.

3) You must be able to quickly and accurately analyze each real estate investment deal so you will know exactly when to proceed and when to pull the plug.

4) You must become an expert in all areas of real estate investing and understand such terms as lease options, cash sales, wrap mortgages, short sales and other terminology common in the real estate investing trade.

5) You should totally understand the meaning and concept of investing in real estate, including all of the financial risks and benefits.

Now is a great time to consider investing in real estate. There are great potential rewards and the effort you put forth can yield enormous monetary returns on your investment.

Your confidence level will grow when you have gained some experience and closed on your first few real estate deals. But, don't stop there...

Continue to learn about real estate investing and to develop your investment skills. In a short time you may find yourself managing a profitable and growing portfolio of investment properties.

Continue to follow your real estate investing "game plan" and always keep an eye out for the hidden investment opportunities. The opportunities are definitely out there and with a little knowledge and desire can be yours for the taking. So, why not get started in what might be a new and exciting (and profitable) career today?

Real Estate Marketing - Getting Focused

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 11/13/14

Real Estate Marketing - Getting Focused

Word Count:

Learn how to write your real estate marketing business plan in 5 minutes or less to help bring in more motivated sellers than you can handle for pennies a day. It does not matter what your budget is, you can find more than enough real estate deals for literally pennies a day.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #Stage, #staging, #Refinance, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner 

Article Body:
The single biggest question I get from people getting started in real estate (and experienced for that matter) is ‘how to find deals?’ They say, ìI don’t know what to focus on in real estate. Should I focus on rehabbing? Should I focus on finding absentee owners? Should I focus on direct mail?î

The problem with those questions is that the real estate investor is confused about the whole business of real estate and the marketing plan behind finding the deals.  I understand that you go to a three-day real estate training, or you buy a home-study course, and every angle of real estate investing is attractive. You can see the potential in all these different markets. 

First things first, you have to get focused! This is the only way to get good at overcoming objections and solving problems unique to different types of motivated seller markets. 

Let us simplify this whole real estate marketing game and boil it down to this:
Who, What, When, Where, Why & How (And How Much)!

Who is that we are going to be talking to? Who is that we are going to be trying to purchase homes from? You may want to work in one or two of the following markets: foreclosures, absentee owners, our probates, divorces, for sale by owners, tired landlords. This is your market ñ the who. 

What are you going to say in your marketing? This may be a real estate marketing script that you follow, a direct mail postcard system that you roll out, or specific copy in your advertisement. Understand, that you are looking for motivated sellers to take action. If you are taking the time to write a letter, place an ad, etc you want your prospect to do something like call you or email you or listen to a recorded message! 

When are your prospects going to receive your marketing message? Timing and consistency is everything to your real estate marketing campaign. You need to be the single person (or company) they think of when the moment strikes at which they realize they are, in fact, a motivated seller! 

Where are they going to receive your message? Obviously if you are door knocking, you will meet them at their home. But if you are marketing to personal representatives of an estate, the attorney may receive the letter and pass it on. It is important to think about where your potential seller is going to ‘see’ your message because this will affect the action they take.

This is where your real estate investing exit strategy comes into play. What are you going to do with the property once you have gained control? Are you going to wholesale it to another investor? Are you going to fix it up and flip it yourself? Are you going to hold on to it for rental?

As you grow into your real estate business, you will have a number of options for each deal depending on what is most suitable for the piece of real estate. You may have properties that you can assign, rehab OR rent. But, initially, decide where you are on your real estate investing scale and work within those parameters. If you are asking: ìShould I focus on rehabbing houses or should I target probate?î you are asking two different questions.

The next thing is the communication method. That is ‘how are we going to talk to our potential motivated sellers?’ So let us suppose your market is foreclosures or pre-foreclosures (the who). The next question is how? There are basically only four methods that we can use to communicate with our target market.

1. Driving for Dollars (or door knocking)
2. Telemarketing
3. Direct mail
4. Mass marketing

How Much:
I toss this in because this is going to affect your real estate marketing strategies. How much can you afford to spend? Understand for a few dollars a day, you can have an extremely profitable real estate investing business. It does not take a lot of money to bring in home run deals! 

Here is a quick real estate marketing business plan that you can implement immediately using the Who, What, When, Where, Why & How approach:

Who: Pre-foreclosures within 2 weeks of sale at the courthouse (note how specific this is)
What: Yellow legal pad letters
When: Two weeks prior to the sale
Where: Prospect’s Home
Why: Seller is more motivated and has run out of options
How: Hand-written, hand addressed, first class postage and return address label
How Much: Based on a budget of $100/month, I will send 59.5 letters each week (remember to figure out your marketing budget down to the penny ñ stamps, ink, paper, envelopes, etc.)

And there you have it! 7 Simple Steps for your real estate marketing plan.

Many Articles are third party works - purchased Private Label Rights - Articles are not necessarily our own opinions, perspectives, or advice.