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Registering A Trademark for your Real Estate Business: The Step-By-Step Process in Trademark Registration

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 11/06/14

Registering A Trademark for your Real Estate Business: The Step-By-Step Process in Trademark Registration

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #Stage, #staging, #Refinance, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner 

When people think of starting their own business, what they usually think first is the logo or the trademark of their company. They will also think about the capital and will make the necessary business plans to present with the bank when taking out a loan.

You have to consider that it is important for a business to have a trademark symbol in order for consumers to identify their products. If you want to start your own business, you may want to think about the design of your trademark symbol or logo. You have to consider the fact that it should be unique and should be easily remembered by consumers.

However, just thinking about and designing your trademark and applying it in your products and as business logo is not enough. You have to consider the fact that registering your trademark is also important. By registering your business trademark, your company will have exclusive rights for the use of the trademark. By having that right, it will make it illegal for other companies to copy your trademark symbol to be placed in their products. You have to consider that in order to protect your products better, you have to register your trademark in order for it to become illegal to reproduce without the authorization of your company.

First of all, trademark registration is done in the United States Patent and Trademark Office or the PTO. The Patent and Trademark Office is responsible for registering trademark and is also responsible for granting exclusive rights for the company to use their trademark symbol.  The Patent and Trademark Office is also responsible on patenting new inventions and copyrighting works of art and engineering designs. You have to realize that the Patent and Trademark Office is responsible and is actively implementing the intellectual property law.

The first step in trademark registration application is by filing for it with the Patent and Trademark Office. Once your application is received by the Patent and Trademark Office, it will review your application and determine if it meets all the minimum requirements set by them. If not, all the documents you mailed, including your application and the fee will be returned to you. However, if the filing meets the minimum requirements and is approved by the Patent and Trademark Office, they will assign a serial number on it and sends you a receipt after about two months after filing it.

However, you have to consider that this is not the end of the process and you cannot use the trademark symbol yet. The next step in the registration process is the examination of the trademark symbol made by the Patent and Trademark Office's attorney. The attorney will search the database for registered trademarks and determines if the trademark symbol you are trying to register will be rejected or will be approved. Usually, the common grounds for rejection is that the trademark being examined bears similarities to trademarks already approved. You have to consider that it will be lengthy process considering all the trademark symbols existing today.

This is why you should make sure that your trademark will bear no similarities or resemblance to existing trademarks that is already registered. You can do this by hiring your own patent and trademark lawyer or by searching for it yourself. However, it is recommended that you should hire a lawyer because it can prove to be time consuming when you look for it yourself. The trademark lawyer you hire will be knowledgeable and will be responsible in all the different legalities concerning your trademark.

If your trademark symbol has been rejected, the Patent and Trademark Office will send you a letter and call you by phone and inform you about the grounds for rejection. You should overcome all the objections and have it reexamined by the lawyer again. You can do this by redesigning your trademark symbol.

These are the things you need to know when registering your trademark symbol. As you can see, it will take quite a while before you can actually legally use your trademark. If you want the process to go faster, you can consider hiring a trademark lawyer where they will prepare all the necessary documents and requirements. They will also do an examination of your trademark symbol and determine if you need to redesign your trademark or not.

Why Some Home Sellers Prefer Direct Buyers Over Brokers

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 11/06/14

Why Some Home Sellers Prefer Direct Buyers Over Brokers

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Real estate, or immovable property is the term for land, and along with anything permanently affixed or attached to the land, such as buildings and houses. Real estate is generally considered identical with real property , in contrast with personal property , which is most often called chattel or personality. However, some people would prefer to distinguish real estate real property, by referring to ownership rights over real estate.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #Stage, #staging, #Refinance, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner 

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A real estate broker is a person or entity who serves as an intermediary, or middleman between sellers and buyers of real estate, and is the person who initiates or attempts to find property sellers and buyers

In the US housing setting, a real estate broker and his accompanying sales team, assists sellers in promoting and selling their property, usually negotiating for the highest price or rate possible, and under the best terms. It is standard practice in the United States that a person is required to obtain a license first in order to receive compensation or a commission for services rendered as a licensed real estate broker.

Unlicensed real estate activity is considered illegal, but buyers and sellers who act as principals in the sale or purchase of real estate are not required to be licensed. In some states however, lawyers are allowed to handle real estate sales, and are paid fees and commissions without the need to be licensed as brokers or agents.

There are quite a few buyers and sellers who are comfortable doing the work of marketing their home for sale by themselves, as well carrying the weight of the work on the buyer's side. Unrepresented buyers or sellers do an equal amount of work as agents or licensed brokers.

An unrepresented seller more than often approaches a listing agent for a property they represent. If somehow the home seller convinces the agent to give back the "buyer's agent share" to him, it is not as if the listing agent is not going to be picking up the slack for the work the seller does not do or is inexperienced in doing at.

The unrepresented seller is at most, directly offering his/her property to a buyer by negotiating deals directly and haggling over the best possible price and payment method. The good thing however with dealing with direct buyers over brokers or agents is that a home owner would not have to cut profits with established brokers agents, and would not find the need to dole over a substantial amount of commission to the agent.

Should a home or property owner decide to sell his asset on his own and not avail the services of a licensed broker, he/she should be ready to prepare all necessary papers describing the property for advertising, pamphlets, open houses, and others. Advertising a property is often the biggest outside expense in listing a property, and a home seller should readily shoulder the expense for this.

In some aspects, holding an open house to show the property would be a rather inexpensive venue for the home seller to show off his property. By being a contact person, the seller should always be available to answer any questions about the property and to schedule showing appointments to prospective buyers.

Why Sell Your House to an Investor?

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 11/06/14

Why Sell Your House to an Investor?

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People selling their house have three options: list their house with a real estate agent, try to sell their house themselves or sell their house to a real estate investor. This article explains the three reasons why someone might want to sell their house to a real estate investor.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #Stage, #staging, #Refinance, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner 

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When talking to people who are trying to sell their house I'm often asked the question, ìWhy should I sell my house to you?î

That's a great question. Today's house seller has lots of options: they can list their house with a real estate agent, they can try to sell the house themselves or they can sell their house to a real estate investor. None of these choices is necessarily better than the others: they each have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Here is what I say when asked why someone should sell their house to me:

1. I'm fast.

 In many cases, sellers are in a rush to get their house sold. Maybe they're facing foreclosure or they're settling a divorce. Sometimes the seller has moved because of a job and needs to sell the house quickly to avoid two mortgage payments. Or someone might inherit a house and they don't want the hassle of dealing with the repairs and marketing necessary to sell the house.

Most people who try selling their house themselves or through a real estate agent find that it is anything but a ‘fast’ process in most cases.  Unless you are willing to sell your house at a significantly reduced price, in many markets you could find yourself waiting one to three months before you accept an offer.

On the other hand, because I'm an independent investor with private funds I can often close a house purchase in 7 days or less.

2. My offers are flexible.

 I make my offer fit the seller's needs. If the seller wants to close quickly, that can be arranged.  If the seller wants cash all at once or a monthly cash flow, I can do those, too.  I can also make up past payments and take over current payments to immediately relieve money burdens on the seller.

I can be a lot more flexible with my offers than the ‘traditional’ offers sellers typically receive. That's because I'm independent and not part of a bank bureaucracy which has to follow lots of rules.  I'm also aware of possible creative solutions to meet sellers' needs that your average home buyer wouldn't think of. 

3. I'm open-minded.

 I might buy someone's house when no one else will.  In many cases I buy houses that have fire damage, termites, mold, foundation problems, roof problems or need major repairs.  Houses with these conditions scare most buyers and real estate agents hate listing them because they know such houses are hard to sell.

I actually enjoy talking to sellers with houses like these because I can see the house's potential value after all the repairs are made.  I'm also not worried about extensive repairs as long as the after-repaired-value of the house justifies the expenses.

In conclusion, I encourage sellers to investigate all avenues of getting their house sold in the way that best meets their needs.  If they decide that working with me to buy their house makes the most sense, then I'm more than happy to help.

Why Flip Houses?

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 11/06/14

Why Flip Houses

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #Stage, #staging, #Refinance, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner 

There are many great questions to ask when it comes to real estate investing and one of the many that you should consider if you are thinking of flipping houses for your real estate investment is: why? Why flip houses? It certainly seems as though it's a great deal of work and it is. It isn't an easy task to take upon your own shoulders and yet many people around the world purchase houses each and every day for the purpose of flipping those houses. Why? Profit is the long and the short answer but it goes much deeper than that for many who are interested in flipping houses even if profit is the ultimate goal.

Some people really enjoy working with their hands. Purchasing a property in need of light cosmetic repairs and retouches is a great way to get your hands dirty without risking too much money, time or effort. Properties needing more serious work may require a pair of hands that have some degree of experience rather than hands that are best suited for balancing books. That being said if you want to do the work yourself and enjoy the prospect you may find that you can save a great deal of money if you use your own labor rather than paying for the labor of others when it comes to flipping a house.

Other people go into this line of work because the idea of giving a family their dream home is so appealing. When you go in and flip a house you are putting your sweat into creating someone else's dream. You are taking something that may have been plain, ugly, or drab and turning it into a beautiful home in which they can build their dreams. While it may seem a little romantic, it is in a way. This is part of the beauty of flipping houses though; there really is no wrong reason to do it.

Some people choose this line of work because deep down inside they need the pain that goes into turning a lump of coal into a diamond. I think the literal term for these people (and really this could apply to anyone who decided to flip houses for a living) is masochist. The shoe fits for most people who flip houses. If they didn't know going into it the first time they certainly know before they go into it a second time. 

Then there are those that are simply driven by profit. There really isn't anything at all wrong with that. Most of us would never get into this business if there weren't some hope of a pot of gold on the other side of the rainbow. This is hard work and there are days that the promise of a pay off is the only thing that gets you out of bed and hitting the ground running yet again.

Just remember that at the end of the day it doesn't matter what your goal in flipping houses is. What matters is that you show up day after day and do the work necessary to pull off your house flip. This is what makes the difference between those playing at flipping houses and those who are doomed to be one hit wonders in this brutal business. Of course, there are still those few who flip houses just for the sake of seeing the finished product when everything is said and done.

Why You Should Focus on the Foreclosure Niche In Your Real Estate Investing Business

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 11/04/14

Why You Should Focus on the Foreclosure Niche In Your Real Estate Investing Business

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In the Foreclosure Niche, you take control of a property by 'getting the deed' and selling the home to an investor or owner occupant depending on the price range, neighborhood and condition of the house.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #Stage, #staging, #Refinance, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner 

Article Body:
The opportunities that exist in the

<a href=îhttp://www.realestateforeclosuresinvesting.com> 

foreclosure niche’s are huge right now and they are continuing to grow at a rapid pace. This is spurred by the increase in foreclosure rates across the country being led by California, Ohio, Michigan, Florida, etc.  Focusing on foreclosure transactions allows you to work on Luxury Homes without the traditional Risk you would normally assume by qualifying and signing for a mortgage.  
In the Foreclosure Niche, you take control of a property by ‘getting the deed’ and selling the home to an investor or owner occupant depending on the price range, neighborhood and condition of the house.  By Focusing on Luxury and Higher end Home, you can make more profit per house with the same amount of work. When you combine this with the ability to short sale Jumbo Mortgages, You have got your golden ticket. 
Lenders are extremely flexible on negotiating high dollar mortgages and jumbo loans because they definitely do not want these houses back.  Would you rather make 10% of a 150 thousand dollar home or 10% of a 1.5 million dollar home? The Mortgage Marketplace has created such a large number of defaulted mortgages that it has created unlimited opportunities to do these types of transactions. 
This is because of the very aggressive sub prime products they put out in the market place and their loosened guidelines for allowing weak borrowers to buy properties they normally would not have been able to buy. They did this because of competition needed to get their money out in the market place.  The Foreclosure Niche is the Best Niche in the <a href=

‘http://www.realestateforeclosuresinvesting.com>Real Estate Investing’

Business because:  
1. The ability to control High Dollar and High Profit Potential Homes with no Risk. 
2. You do not have to have Good Credit because you do not have to qualify for mortgages in your own name. 
3. You do not need a lot of money to get started. This business has very low barriers of entry. 
4. You do not need any experience because if you follow my system, it will show you how to create the huge checks by following the step by step system. 
5. You can purchase a foreclosure quickly because you have a motivated, cooperative seller. 
There are not enough investors in the marketplace right now to handle the volume of homes going into foreclosure. We need more investors and I qm on a mission to create very successful investors that want to get extremely wealthy over the next two to three years. 
This situation will not last forever. Just 3 years ago it was very difficult to find these types of deals. Its so easy now, its pathetic! Take advantage of it while its here.
To get a Free 52 Week Foreclosure Investing eCourse, click this link right now: <a href=

‘http://www.realestateforeclosuresinvesting.com> http://www.dcfawcett.com’

Why You Should Use A Realtor.

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 11/04/14

Why You Should Use A Realtor.

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Consider this: if you needed work done on your teeth, would you go to a dentist or do it yourself? The same theory applies to real estate. The art of selling a home is something that takes years to perfect. There are so many aspects of home sales that the average buyers and sellers are unaware of. Also there are many aspects of the process that are only easily available to a Realtor.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #Stage, #staging, #Refinance, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner 

Article Body:
Consider this: if you needed work done on your teeth, would you go to a dentist or do it yourself? The same theory applies to real estate. The art of selling a home is something that takes years to perfect. There are so many aspects of home sales that the average buyers and sellers are unaware of. Also there are many aspects of the process that are only easily available to a Realtor. The actual process of selling a home is very time consuming and right about now, the seller has many more important things to consider, such as the impending move. 

Realtors spend years learning the art of selling and how to interpret the real estate market. They can offer you insight and information that only comes from years of experience. Realtors are also experts on their area; they know the communities and what they have to offer, the location of schools, transport routes, and how the current market will affect the sale of your home. 

Using a Realtor to sell your home has several advantages over a FSBO. Perhaps the most important of these advantages is exposure. The marketing of your home is of the highest importance. Without a robust marketing plan, your home will not be seen by prospective buyers and as such, will take much longer to sell. Realtors utilize the latest in internet technology to ensure that your home is seen by as many buyers as possible. Also, realtors have a large budget to purchase newspaper ads, hold open houses, and create flyers and information packs about your property. Realtors can also utilize a CMA to evaluate the correct value of your home and to price it correctly in your local market. This will enable your home to be competitive and attractive to buyers. Remember, homes sold by a Realtor sell for an average of 20-30 thousand more than homes sold by the owner. use a professional to sell your home, and free up the time you need to organize yourself for the process of moving your own new home.

Why You Should Ignore Trends In Real Estate

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 11/04/14

Why You Should Ignore Trends In Real Estate

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Many people tend to get caught up in real estate trends reported in magazines, newspapers and on television. This is a mistake of the highest order.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #Stage, #staging, #Refinance, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner 

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Many people tend to get caught up in real estate trends reported in magazines, newspapers and on television. This is a mistake of the highest order.

Why You Should Ignore Trends In Real Estate

In this modern information age, you can learn just about anything on a particular subject. While access to information is usually a positive development, things can get a bit crazy if you get overloaded with it. Look long enough and you can find two pieces of information offering exactly the opposite views on a subject. Obviously, that does not really help you make a choice. 

In real estate, the information offered in the media is usually uniform. For the last six or seven years, everyone with any brains at all has reported the real estate market has been hot. Now, many of these same pundits are suggesting the market is cooling off. Some are even predicting a crash in the market. 

As a potential buyer or seller, how should you evaluate the information being produce in the media? The simple answer is you should ignore it. The problem with these reports is not the accuracy. Instead, the problem is they are reporting national trends in real estate. 

National trends are great and all, but they have little or no application to your specific area. Consider the following if you do not believe me. The real estate market for the last few years has been reported as hot, hot, hot. In Colorado, however, the market has been flat throughout this time. If you were considering buying or selling in Colorado, the information being provided for national trends simply did not apply to you. 

If you think Colorado is the exception, it is not. The state with one of the worst appreciation rates over the last four or five years, for instance, has been Texas. Put in practical terms, this means homes in Dallas, Houston, Denver, San Antonio and Houston have not followed national trends. The only real estate trends that matter are those in your local markets. Never rely on national data. 

If you are considering buying, you have to be very careful when considering real estate trends. If it looks like a seller’s market in your area, you may make the mistake of not buying. Even in a seller’s market, buying a home is better than renting. Every day you are in the home is a day you are growing your personal wealth through equity accumulation. Do not stay out of the market simply because you feel it is not the right time. 

It is easy to get caught up in real estate trends since they are plastered in front of your face on a daily basis. In truth, they really should not play much of a role in your decision making process.

What Do I Look For In A Home I’m Buying Now, If I Want To Resell It Later?

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 11/03/14

What Do I Look For In A Home I’m Buying Now,  If I Want To Resell It Later?

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Tips provided on what you should look for when purchasing a home to increase your chances of making your home more attractive for future resell.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #Stage, #staging, #Refinance, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner 

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That is a good question! You want to purchase a home that will give you a good resell value later on.  To do this, look at the type of home you are planning to purchase that may be attractive to future buyers.  When you are looking to purchase a home, check to see if some or all of these features are offered:

1.  Location of the home.  Is the home located in a good neighborhood that is close to schools, stores, freeways, etc...

2.  Check the crime rate for the area you are thinking about purchasing in.  What are the crime rate statistics.  Is the neighborhood safe?

3.  Is there anticipated growth for the areas such as: new schools, stores, future planned homes, etc...  How will this affect you in the future?

4.  Try to make sure the square footage of your home is at least 1200, in order to increase the likelihood of being able to resell.

5.  Look for homes that have at least three bedrooms as part of your prospective home purchase.  This will be helpful in reselling your home in the future.

6.  You may want to look at whether or not the home should have one or two stories.  Most people purchasing homes are interested in two stories.  However, the elderly or individuals with certain disabilities may want to purchase a home that is a single story.

7.  If the home you are thinking about purchasing has a pool, keep in mind this may limit the number of prospective buyers if you decide to sell your home.  Pools do not necessarily add much value to the home and can be expensive to maintain! If you do want a pool consider buying a house in distressed condition or a pool in distressed condition and have a pool contractor meet you during the house selection process so you can know the cost to rehab a pool before you buy. You can steal a house occasionally when the pool looks green or scary to potential buyers.

8.  You may want to consider having a garage which can accommodate a minimum of two cars.  This is usually an attractive and expected feature for buyers.

9.  The number of bathrooms is also important.  Getting a home with at minimum of two bathrooms is a must when purchasing a home for future resell.

10.  Make sure the home you are considering has a fireplace, air conditioning and heating system.

When you purchase a home, just think of being able to get a good return on your investment if you had to resell.  In most cases at a bare minimum you want to get the money you have invested in your home out of it,  if you had to sell for some reason.  It is even better if you can make a profit on you sale is not it? I thought so, just be wise when you are purchasing your  home, it is an investment in your future!

What Do Home Buyers Really Want?

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 11/03/14

What Do Home Buyers Really Want?

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While every homebuyer is different, there are some common themes among those that are looking for a new home.  Knowing what the home buyers really want will help you sell your house fast. Read more here!

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #Stage, #staging, #Refinance, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner 

Article Body:
While every homebuyer is different, there are some common themes among those that are looking for a new home. Every buyer wants a quality home that they will be proud to live in and won't fall apart within months or even years. Most homebuyers are focusing not only on quantity in the way of square footage, but also quality, as that is what gives a home its worth.

Common Desires

There are some basic things that homebuyers are looking for when they look at a home. Some of the most common are centralized air conditioning, a walk in closet in the master bedroom, a bedroom on the main floor if the home is two or more stories, a patio for entertainment, as well as an oversized garage that will fit multiple cars as well as provide some storage space.

Even these common desires are not straightforward. An air conditioning unit that is 25 years old cannot provide centralized air; most buyers want an efficient central air conditioning unit. A patio needs to truly be an outdoor living space that has had some thought and planning associated with it. And the bedroom on the main floor needs to be big enough for either a master bedroom or a good-sized guest room for either guests or even an aging relative that needs care.

Rooms that Get Noticed

One room that is important to buyers in today's market is the living room. Most buyers are giving up the formal living room and family room split and simply want one, big open floor plan that will allow them to entertain company as well as lounge around and watch movies on a Saturday afternoon. Informal spaces such as this are in because they are more functional.

Another room that will get noticed is the bathroom. Not only do buyers want more than one bathroom, they want them to come fully loaded! Luxury items such as soaking tubs, garden tubs, pricey fixtures, and quality tiling always go over well in the bathroom. Pedestal sinks, claw foot tubs, and a separate shower and tub are also very popular in the bathroom right now and are what most buyers are going for.

The kitchen is also another room that will get more than a once over when a buyer comes in. Stainless steel appliances, high quality wood cabinets, marble or granite counters, kitchen islands, and quality flooring will all go a long way toward selling a home. Buyers see the kitchen as an entertainment area, so if things are in order and are updated a home will likely sell much sooner than if it is not. If the dining area also blends well with the kitchen, this is even better!

The Homes Target Audience

Age really does affect what a home buyer wants in a home. Most realtors will report that those that are less than age 44 usually want a home that is in the suburbs or a subdivision. The home will sell well if it is located near schools, parks, and playgrounds. For buyers over age 45, homes that are one story, less than 10 years old, and on a flat lot with items such as sprinkler systems will appeal to them. Location really is important to home buyers as homes in certain areas may contain features that are important to some buyers but not so important to others.

First time home buyers are also likely to overlook items like pricey fixtures, walk in closets, granite counters, or oversized garages. Typically it is the first time buy that will have a shorter list of must haves, because they are just getting into the market and may be on a stricter budget or just not have a whole lot of experience with offered features. Repeat home buyers will be more likely to have a list of must haves, so a home that is well finished and has all of the items described above will likely appeal to a repeat home buyer.

The type of upgrades one has made to their home or is willing to make to their home will decide who the home will generally appeal to. Of course, home buyers all have their own preferences about what makes a home worth buying, but studies have been done and the general consensus is that older home buyers have a longer list of must haves and items in a home that are very important to them, such as a bedroom on the main floor.

As you can see, homebuyer's want a little of everything, and the specific needs and wants vary widely from buyer to buyer. Generally, a home that is well cared for and offers some modern or updated features will attract many home buyers and if located in the right area, will sell relatively quickly.

Virginia Real Estate - Living in History

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 11/03/14

Virginia Real Estate - Living in History

Word Count:

Virginia has played a central role throughout the history of the United States. With reasonable prices, you can live in the middle of it with Virginia real estate.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #Stage, #staging, #Refinance, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner

Article Body:
Virginia has played a central role throughout the history of the United States. With reasonable prices, you can live in the middle of it with Virginia real estate.


The historical significance of Virginia is simply unmatched in the United States. Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson resided in the state as did many of the founding fathers. In the revolutionary war with England, Virginia was front and center in the battle with Williamsburg and Richmond playing central roles. From the Civil War, the battles at locations such as Fredericksburg and Cold Harbor need no introduction. In these modern days, Virginia is unique in seamlessly mixing modern development and old world charm. 


Located on the James River, Richmond was burned to the ground twice during the tumultuous early years of the country. The capital of the Confederacy, Richmond was under attack through much of the Civil War and suffered for it. Following the war, however, the city was rebuilt and has remained prosperous since then. Today, the city is an interesting mix of elegant turn of the century architecture and modern structures. Economically, Richmond is known for strong tobacco and financial industries. 


Fredericksburg has to get special mention since we, FSBOAmerica.org, are located in the city. Although we might be biased, our town is one of the prettiest in the south and a great place to raise a family. Downtown has a definite elegant old south atmosphere while neighborhoods are full of turn of the century homes with white picket fences. When we had to choose a location to raise a family, Fredericksburg was our choice. We havenít regretted it once. 

Virginia Real Estate

Virginia real estate prices can range from the low $200,000 to the high $700,000 depending on the location. A single-family residence in Richmond will run $340,000 on average, while homes in Blacksburg can be had for an average of $220,000. On the top end, homes in Alexandria average in the mid to high $700,000 range. 

For 2005, Virginia real estate has shown strong value growth. With an appreciation rate of nearly 21 percent, Virginia has the eighth highest figure in the country.

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