Buying a Foreclosure - Take Action Early : Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. wants your help and commentary on our Real Estate Blog

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Buying a Foreclosure - Take Action Early

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 03/15/14

Foreclosures - Take Action Early

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If you are looking at the potential for foreclosures, the worst thing you can do is take a ìwait and seeî attitude. In fact, the earlier you can start talking to and negotiating with your creditors, the better.


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If you are looking at the potential for foreclosures, the worst thing you can do is take a ìwait and seeî attitude. In fact, the earlier you can start talking to ñ and negotiating with ñ your creditors, the better.

Start early actually means that you should contact the person or company that holds the title to your property as soon as you think you may be in trouble. Itís tempting to avoid the problem to the point of not answering the telephone when those creditors call, but thatís not going to solve the issue. In fact, creditors who arenít getting answers or satisfaction are more likely to take action than those with whom youíve been talking. 

Another reason you should start talking to your creditors well before foreclosure becomes immediate and unavoidable is that you have more options at that point than when the creditor is already taking action. One of those options could be the chance to renegotiate your loan. You might be eligible for a refinancing loan that will stretch your payments out over a longer period of time, meaning youíll have lower monthly payments. That could significantly increase your ability to make those payments on time.
Not only could you be eligible for a longer payoff, you may also qualify for a loan thatís larger than your current payoff. That means you could get some cash back from refinancing your loan. If youíre having trouble meeting other bills as well because of some short-term issue, this influx of cash could be the answer youíre looking for. 

If you take time to contact your lender, you may also find them willing to give you a break on a payment or two. Some lenders will allow you to pay the interest due, putting the rest of the payment off until the end of your note. While you probably wonít have the option to do this more than once or twice, it could be the answer to short-term problems that sometimes hamper the ability to make payments on time.

Itís human nature to avoid confrontations, including those that occur when youíve had trouble making your payments on time. But this isnít a situation thatís going to resolve itself. Take time to contact your lender. Explain as much of the problem as you can and ask for advice. Youíll find them much more willing to negotiate with you early in the process than after youíve missed several payments.

Dallas Appraiser LLC

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